Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jobs and Searching

Lately I have felt a little disillusioned with my line of work.  Not that I hate it, but I've been in my position for five years and I guess I've grown tired.  I do the same thing just about every day, and the lack of mobility sometimes troubles me.

Of course, I am very glad to even have a job at all.  Most people my age cannot say the same, especially locally.  I think about opportunities a lot, seeing what is out there, but it is so easy to think that maybe I cannot do something.  I spoke to my mother at length recently and she thinks I should look at parks, as in rangers etc.  This has a certain appeal.  I always love the idea of being out of doors, leading nature walks, and explaining things.  I always love to learn and share what I learn with others.

I even thought about going back to college for a time to learn Political Science, but then I remembered my own college experiences.  The thought of siting in political classes listening to the politics of teachers has no appeal.  I usually disagreed with the political motivations of my teachers long ago but I usually stayed quiet so I wouldn't potentially fail a course.  Still I have a lot of dreams lately where I'm back in college, probably because it seems like an easier time with less responsibilities, more free time and fun.  Easy to look back in time with rose colored glasses, especially since it was never easy.

So I am left with myself and my job.  At least I have the security, and I have time for my writing.  Thats all I need.  I just hope that maybe one day I can do more with my talents and abilities, a job that applies to what I love.

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