Saturday, July 30, 2011

Summer Rain

There is nothing quite like a summer rain.  I cannot recall the last time it was this cold or this rainy so close to the season.  Usually by this time of year its terribly, unbearably hot.  Many would point to global warming for the unseasonable changes.  Me?  If this is global warming, bring it on.  I hate hot weather.  Hot weather you can only take so much off to get relief and being without air conditioning is really hard.  Give me storms, give me rain on the windows and a warm fire in my hearth.

Rainy, stormy weather is the best kind for writing, at least for me.  For my work, not so much.  Dodging showers with a cart of perishable supplies and cleaning classrooms that don't have rain cover is not ideal.  I used to judge potential job sites I wanted to go to by the amount of rain cover because, believe me it matters.  Too often schools aren't built with rain in mind, which is odd considering these are children we are allowing to get wet.  Of course, kids love to do so.  They step in puddles simply because they are there.  Any other time I would laugh and watch, but when I am at work I cringe because I know I have to clean up the mess later.

I am not saying I want rain every day.  I could never live in Seattle per-say.  We need some sun for plants to grow and things to be healthy.  But that's

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